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DOWNLOAD Tru Thoughts Presents Unfold 24.03.17 with Moonchild, Titeknots, Sister Sledge .MP3

By Tru Thoughts
Brand new music from Moonchild to start the show. A great track from Piers James & Imoni (that Soul style the UK do so well). Classics from Billy Paul and Georg Levin. A track from Sister Sledge (Joni Sledge R.I.P). Hip Hop from Bobbie Johnson, J Cole and Snoop Dogg. Plus some good dancefloor tunes from Titeknots, DJ Steef, Lefty and Sideswipe. Download: Unfold with Robert Luis Friday 24th March 11pm-1am on Juice 107.2FM (Brighton) SUBSCRIBE TO TRU THOUGHTS presents UNFOLD PODCAST via iTUNES

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