Best DJ Mixes & Podcasts

DOWNLOAD Tru Thoughts Presents Unfold 24.02.17 with Harleighblu, Clyde Stubblefield, Code Walk .MP3

By Tru Thoughts
A tribute DJ mix to Clyde Stubblefield (R.I.P) featuring some of his great drumming plus tracks sampling the classic Funky Drummer. Tunes from Public Enemy, James Brown, Fresh 4 and The Pharcyde. Raw soul from Harleighblu X Starkiller. A brand new track from Quantic & Nidia Gongora (from their forthcoming album). An epic Underdog Remix of Data. A great left of centre Electronic Boogie tune from Code Walk (make sure to check that). Plus plenty more musical treats. Download: Unfold with Robert Luis Friday Midnight 2am 24th February SUBSCRIBE TO TRU THOUGHTS presents UNFOLD PODCAST via iTUNES

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