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DOWNLOAD Tru Thoughts Presents Unfold 12.08.18 with Nubya Garcia, Flowdan & Secret Syence .MP3

By Tru Thoughts
Jazz from Nubya Garcia, Uniting Of Opposties and Kamasi Washington. Danceflloor tunes from Titeknots, Lay Far and Secret Syence. A great track from Dur Dur Band on Analog Africa. Grime from Flowdan, Lady Lykez and a bass wobbler from Masro. A downtempo classic from Kool & The Gang and a great haunting piano track from Duval Timothy. Plus plenty more musical treats. SUBSCRIBE TO TRU THOUGHTS presents UNFOLD PODCAST via iTUNES Unfold with Robert Luis Sunday 12th August 2018 6pm-8pm on 1BTM 101.4FM (Brighton) and DAB

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