Best DJ Mixes & Podcasts

DOWNLOAD Tru Thoughts House Party : WheelUP .MP3

By Tru Thoughts
With lots of us stuck in our homes and missing clubs and parties, we asked some of our favourite DJs to do us a DJ mix of what they would be listening to when wanting to dance around the house. Volume 2 sees WheelUP at the controls. "Tru Thoughts asked me if would like to do a “House Party” mix for the label, so I thought yes something different, not playing Broken Beat or dnb….. I wanted to go Back to tour Japan this year, but yea you know… so when Tru Thoughts asked me to do a house party mix I thought, let's have fun. This music in the mix is an idea I always thought would be fun to do. Every track in the mix is a massive tune in its own right, but every track has also been used as a big sample in some of the biggest Jungle and Drum and Bass tracks throughout the history of the genre. So if you are a Junglist or a DnB head you will have some fun hopefully hearing the original tunes that some of the classics sampled!" Peace, WheelUP

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