It's time to get back into the swing of things. I sent Mummy the heaviest DnB set I've ever performed a couple days ago, thinking I was going to get in on some of her usual heavier stylings. Ever the innovator, she sent me back some beautiful liquid, the likes of which I would usually perform, taking me a little off guard. A testament to her mettle as a visionary, these mixes worked very well together, and I'm extremely excited to get to present the product here. Mummy starts us off with some gorgeous vocal liquid sounds, keeping consistent pace and showcasing her ability to diversify (she can do it all!). I take over around the 38 minute mark, matching her pace for a single track before quickly ramping up to the darker and heavier side of the liquid spectrum. We sincerely hope you enjoy this impromptu collaboration. Cheers to everyone that takes the time to listen!