Best DJ Mixes & Podcasts

DOWNLOAD EBB (Atmospheric/Jazzy Dnb April 2024) .MP3

By siknees
!!!!!!!!!! 2 of these tracks were kindly produced for the sole purpose of going in this mix by my good friend @Lee_Nankivell. You can listen to them here: A big thank you to Lee, as this mix would not have been recorded were it not for his generosity and encouragement. I've been having fun bouncing genres and discovering what I can do with different vibes, but I think I'm done for a while. At least for the next few uploads, I'm going to be focusing on liquid DnB, excluding some collaborations. This mix whooped me, and I can see there's a reason why a lot of people stick to one genre. I'll be doing other stuff again at some point, but I'd like to stick to what I know for a little while. Cheers to anyone that listens, I enjoyed recording this, despite the difficulty.

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