Best DJ Mixes & Podcasts


By Suzanne Ryan (AKA WINDY CITY)
Happy weekend beautiful souls... I put together a short set with some recycled tracks... I hope it is enjoyed... With tears in my eyes, I am amazed at how some continue to be hateful. The world is in trouble , that is for sure... I would like to let you know that I am having issues responding to your comments. I will keep trying... My comments vanish after responding, so please bear with me, and hopefully I can by tomorrow... I am a vibe. You need to vibrate on my frequency to feel me.. It's not personal, it's vibrational... When you have a heart of gold, and pure intentions, you don't lose anyone, they lose you.. P.S. Pardon some minor flaws.. I am too exhausted to remaster but might do so tomorrow... PEACE& LOVE 🕊️💕🙏

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