Best DJ Mixes & Podcasts
DOWNLOAD November Moon (for sleep and meditation) by Paul Asbury Seaman .MP3
By low light mixesPaul is back with some of the mystical ambience he does so well. He brings us a hour of tunes that straddle the fine line between new age and ambient music, perfect for the waning days of autumn. Here is what Paul says about this mix: “Mystical ambient atmospheres meet New Age relaxation. Lots of bells, minimalist piano, acoustic guitar and flute to celebrate the austere, liminal quality of late autumn—my favorite season. All tracks are from albums released this year, except the two ‘guest appearances’ by George Winston and Windham Hill Records founder Will Ackerman. As a side note, I generally avoid familiar tunes on my sleep and meditation mixes, as their specific associations might disrupt the listener’s mental or spiritual flow into a specific direction. But the ‘Ave Maria’ featured here, by Larkenlyre, is one of the most sublime renditions of this classic tune by Franz Schubert I’ve ever heard.” Tracklist & links to music used in this mix are in the comments.