Best DJ Mixes & Podcasts
DOWNLOAD Khôra - Grammars Of Emanation .MP3
By low light mixesWow, listen to this mix! I am blown away by this excellent guest mix from the artist known as Khôra - "This material was selected primarily on the basis of substantiating the sonic & conceptual universes that my most recent Khôra release is in lineage with. The majority of the pieces presented are percussive or propulsive, but also circular in nature. I was seeking a fundamental rhythmic presence or energy among my troves of collected music that could be traced across various artists & presented as a single typology that tenders itself in various guises through a cast of contemporary & historical voices. The mix pursues a particular genealogy of percussive music across various genres, cultures, histories, technologies, and interpretations which initiates a kind of meditative dancing." Tracklist is in the comments. As well as a link to the new Khôra album.