Based in Hawaii and spanning a career of 21 years, Super Kleen aka Tide's passion for the art of DJing and Production has never floundered. He also may be a DJ now but will always be a dancer and fan first and foremost. On the current state of the scene he states: "I feel we as a collective should focus on trying to figure out how to improve the scene, as of now, I feel the scene is starting to pick up again!" Tide is affilliated with @OOSPOT & @LoveBeatsHawaii and has appeared at The Love Festival, Saturday Night Sessions and Love Beats Hawaii Weekly. On Twitter you can find him posting dance and scratch demonstrations and behind the decks he concentrates on coming up with creative blends to combine the best music. You can follow him on the following socials:
Twitter: @superkleen
IG: @super.kleen or @hawaiihousehead
TikTok: @hawaiihousedancer