Hello lovies! What do you get when two beautiful American ladies collab for a b2b mix?
Full throttle audio experience! 🥰🥰🥰
Suzanne and I wanted to collab to give you a true American rave. 🥰 We promise to deliver the best and we made it out of love. Please enjoy our b2b mix called "Bombastic". It's full of awesome banging tracks to jam to 💗
So strap on your seatbelt ladies and gentlemen. You're in for a ride 😎❤️🔥
**Suzanne kickstarts and I finish the mix at 59:45**
you can also follow me on...
https://www.mixcloud.com/G0rg0ns3y3/ (Valkyrie channel) -supporting female DJs
You can follow Suzanne Ryan on...
Thank you for listening to another episode of "Mixing with friends" ^_^
🥰Love from SoCal and Chicago (USA)🥰
Credit Image: Hudson Leick as Callisto (Xena Warrior Princess)