From the Moment I first Heard him I thought, this would make an interesting B2B, So Massive thanks goes out to DJ Base. Bro, I love that you went full on in with a 3 dec mix, it really inspired me mate, I may have taken it too far, but damn I had fun
If you like to loose it on the Dancefloor LISTEN
If you love the artestry of a DJ working the tunes LISTEN
If you love the supreme art of blending liquid, you won’t find it here, but LISTEN ANYWAY
I doubt there are many mixes like this , So put 1hr aside, Listen as loud as possible and lose yourself in the madness, somewhere in here you may hear 1 track playing by itself, more likely its 2,3 or 4 tunes.
Dancing the fine line between success and monumental disaster, thats what I love about 3/4 dec mixing
So, If you don’t already please check out DJ Base
Big shout out to all Producers,Artists,DJs and listeners who make this scene amazing.
One love to Inspire
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